Candidates for Ortho K

Candidates for Ortho K

Candidates for Ortho K

Myopia is the most prevalent eye condition in the world, and patients who have it are able to see nearby objects clearly while those that are some distance away appear blurred. It normally occurs because the eyeball grows too long when compared to the focusing power of the eye. However, there are also a number of other factors that are believed to attribute to the condition. These include spending a lot of time on close-up work such as using a computer or digital screen, spending a lot of time indoors, and a poor diet. Also called nearsightedness, myopia also tends to run in families. 


Myopia may not appear to be serious on the surface, but it is progressive meaning that without treatment, it is likely to get steadily worse. Prescription glasses or contact lenses can ensure that patients with myopia enjoy clear vision. Nevertheless, slowing its progression is recommended since patients with high myopia have been shown to be more likely to experience more severe vision problems in the future, some of which can have permanent consequences for your vision. These include glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and even retinal detachment. Orthokeratology, or ortho k for short, is the name given to a very popular and innovative myopia management condition.


Ortho K – An Overview


Orthokeratology is a non-invasive and painless treatment that is designed to alter the cornea of the eye while patients sleep so that it becomes more evenly rounded and the refracted error is corrected. It does this using bespoke contact lenses that are created to the exact specifications needed for each patient. When worn overnight, these gas permeable lenses - which allow plenty of oxygen to reach the eyes, making them safe to be worn while you sleep – apply gentle pressure to the cornea to reshape it. This helps to stop the progression of myopia. When the patient removes the lenses the next morning, their eyes are able to retain the new shape for a number of hours, making it possible for them to see clearly without wearing either prescription glasses or daytime contact lenses. The more consistently you wear your ortho k lenses, the longer your eyes will be able to retain their shape, enabling you to see clearly for an entire day without prescription eyewear. Don’t panic though – if you cease treatment, your eye shape and vision will revert back to how it was before. 


Candidates for Ortho K


Ortho k is primarily used to treat myopia, but it is also an effective treatment for hyperopia and astigmatism. It can also be used to treat presbyopia – a condition that occurs primarily in people over the age of 40 and is caused by the hardening of the natural lens of the eye. As it becomes less elastic, it loses some of its ability to adjust and focus. If you suffer from myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, or presbyopia, speak to your eye doctor about your suitability for ortho k. Provided your eyes are healthy and your vision is stable and has been for at least 12-24 months, chances are you will be considered to be a good candidate for ortho k. 


Ortho k is also a great choice of treatment for children who have myopia. Myopia most often begins to develop between the ages of 8 and 14, when the eyes go through a period of rapid growth and change. Unlike adults, children aren’t deemed good candidates for laser eye surgery as their eyes are still developing. It is also the best time to try and slow down the progression of their myopia so that they are less likely to experience high myopia and complications resulting from this in the future. 


Finally, ortho k is a very effective treatment choice for people who participate in sports either on an amateur or professional basis. This is because they can improve visual clarity without needing to wear glasses or contact lenses – something which can be difficult in many sporting activities.




If you are interested in finding out more about ortho k, or if you would like to make an appointment to see if you are a good candidate for this innovative treatment, please contact our eyecare office in Fort Stockton, TX today. 

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